We all have them. They are incredibly useful in our closets to hang stuff like dresses, pants, and shirts.  They come in all varieties: wooden, plastic, and the all too familiar and useful, wire versions.

Coat hangers have found their way into other places; like stuffing down inside car windows to try and unlock a locked car with the keys in the ignition.  It happens quite a bit, apparently.  You can even attach a magnet to one hanger end and retrieve things from tight quarters.

It seems like they have even made their way into the refinery business as a “tool” to extract gaskets and clean pipeline flanges.  As much as we love coat hangers, this is not a good or efficient use for them.  We have created a patented tool that is engineered for just that purpose.  It’s a smart and versatile tool that has received great acclaim by all who have used it.

In fact, Flange King received an excited welcome at its public debut, Wednesday, June 25th.  The world’s first tool engineered to clean flange faces was introduced at the annual BP Safety Fair at the Cherry Point Refinery in Ferndale, Washington.  Nearly 1,500 staff and contractors picked up a prototype and chatted with EI Vice President Ben Paganelli who was sponsored by Pete Moser and Lamons.  The response was nearly universally, “This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.”

So we would welcome your thoughts on how to use Flange King and on how you use coat hangers, for that matter…